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Dynamics and Relativity 1st Edition by J. R Forshaw

Dynamics and Relativity 1st Edition by J. R Forshaw (Author), A. G Smith

  • Publisher: PHYSICS
  • Availability: In Stock
  • SKU: 49526
  • Number of Pages: 352



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"Dynamics and Relativity" 1st Edition by J. R Forshaw and A. G Smith delves into the fascinating realms of classical mechanics and Einstein's theory of relativity, offering a comprehensive exploration of fundamental concepts in theoretical physics. Through lucid explanations and illustrative examples, Forshaw and Smith navigate readers through the dynamic interplay between motion and space-time, shedding light on the intricate mathematical frameworks that underpin our understanding of the physical universe. This seminal work serves as an invaluable resource for students, educators, and enthusiasts alike, providing a solid foundation in both classical dynamics and modern relativistic physics.

The book begins by elucidating the principles of classical mechanics, delving into the laws of motion formulated by Newton and the mathematical tools essential for analyzing dynamic systems. From projectile motion to celestial mechanics, Forshaw and Smith adeptly unravel the complexities of classical dynamics, fostering a deep appreciation for the elegant simplicity underlying natural phenomena. Building upon this groundwork, the authors then delve into the revolutionary insights of Einstein's theory of relativity, illuminating the profound implications of space-time curvature and the equivalence of mass and energy. Through thought-provoking discussions and thought experiments, readers are invited to grapple with the counterintuitive concepts of time dilation, length contraction, and the bending of light, gaining a deeper understanding of the fabric of the cosmos.

Key Points:
1. Explores fundamental principles of classical mechanics and Einstein's theory of relativity.
2. Provides clear explanations and illustrative examples to facilitate understanding.
3. Equips readers with essential mathematical tools for analyzing dynamic systems and relativistic phenomena.

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Writer                             J. R Forshaw (Author), A. G Smith Author)

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