Umera Ahmed is a Pakistani writer, author and screenwriter. She is best known for her novels and plays Shehr-e-Zaat, Pir-e-Kamil, Zindagi Gulzar Hai, Alif, Durr-e-Shehwar, Daam, Man-o-Salwa, Qaid-e-Tanhai, Digest Writer, Maat, Kankar, Meri Zaat Zarra-e-Benishan, Doraha and Hum Kahan Ke Sachay Born: December 10, 1976 (age 47 years), Sialkot
"Alif" by Umera Ahmed is a profound and thought-provoking novel that intricately weaves together themes of spirituality, self-discovery, and the contrasting worlds of fame and faith. The narrative revolves around...
Peer-e-Kamil - پیر کامل by Umera Ahmed is a powerful and emotionally charged novel that explores themes of faith, redemption, and personal transformation. The story revolves around the lives of...
In "Aab E Hayat" by Umera Ahmed, readers are immersed in a captivating narrative that intricately weaves together spirituality, human emotions, and societal challenges. This thought-provoking novel delves into the...
In "Amarbel" by Umera Ahmed, the narrative revolves around the lives of individuals grappling with complex emotions and societal pressures. Ahmed intricately weaves together the threads of love, loss, and...
In "Dana Pani" by Umera Ahmed, the narrative delves into the complexities of human relationships and societal norms with a keen eye for psychological depth. Set against the backdrop of...
"Aks" by Umera Ahmed is a thought-provoking novel that explores complex themes of identity, fate, and morality through the intertwined lives of its characters. The narrative delves into the psychological...
In "Bas Ik Dagh-e-Nadamat" by Umera Ahmed, the narrative delves into the intricacies of human nature, morality, and redemption. Set against the backdrop of societal expectations and personal struggles, the...
"Ham Kahan Ke Sachhe Thay" by Umera Ahmed is a thought-provoking novel that delves into the complexities of human relationships, morality, and the quest for truth in the face of...
"Husna Aur Husna Ara - حسنہ اور حسن آراء" by Umera Ahmed is a compelling narrative that delves into the lives of two women, both named Husna, who are distinctly...
"Iman Ummid Aur Mohabbat" by Umera Ahmed is a captivating exploration of faith, hope, and love woven intricately into the lives of its characters. Set against the backdrop of contemporary...
"Kankar," penned by Umera Ahmed, is a compelling narrative that delves into the complexities of societal norms, gender roles, and personal struggles within a contemporary Pakistani context. The novel follows...
"Maine Khwabon Ka Shajar Dekha Hai - میں نے خوابوں کا شجر دیکھا ہے" by Umera Ahmed is a captivating novel that delves into themes of dreams, aspirations, and the...
Meri Zaat Zarra e Benishan by Umera Ahmed is a deeply emotional and thought-provoking novel that explores themes of faith, betrayal, and the complexities of human relationships. The story revolves...
Mira't Ul Uroos by Umera Ahmed is a compelling narrative that delves into the intricacies of marriage, family dynamics, and personal growth. The story, set against a backdrop of cultural...
Shahr-e-Zaat (شہر ذات) by Umera Ahmed is a profound Urdu novel that explores the journey of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and the quest for inner peace. The story revolves around the...
"Wapsi /واپسی" by Umera Ahmed intricately weaves a tale of redemption and self-discovery against the backdrop of familial bonds and personal turmoil. Set in the labyrinthine streets of Karachi, the...
Zindagi Gulzar Hai (زندگی گلزار ہے) by Umera Ahmed is a poignant novel that explores the complexities of life, love, and social dynamics through the lens of its multifaceted characters....
La Hasil (لا حاصل) by Umera Ahmed is a profound Urdu novel that explores themes of love, faith, self-discovery, and the search for meaning in life. Through its characters and...