Library science is the field of study that teaches how to manage books and other information, particularly through collecting, preserving, and organizing books and other materials in libraries.
"Library & Information Science MCQs for Lecturer" by M. Sohail Bhatti is likely a study resource tailored for individuals preparing for lecturer positions in Library and Information Science (LIS) departments...
Question Bank on Library Science and Information Technology by Muhammad Sohail Shahzad and M. Shafiq ur Rehman is a comprehensive resource designed for individuals preparing for various competitive exams in...
The Lecturer Guide For Library Science MCQs is a comprehensive study guide designed specifically for candidates preparing for the Assistant Professor and Subject Specialist exams in Library Science. This book,...
CAF- 04 Business Law ICAP Past Papers - CA NotesCertificate in Accounting & Finance (CAF) SOLVED TOPIC WISE ( AUTUMN 2009 TO SPRING 2022 ICAP PAST PAPERS SUGGEST SOLUTIONS ...
Logistics: An Introduction to Supply Chain Management Logistics is an essential introduction for any business student studying logistics or supply chain management. It takes a broad view of logistics, exploring all...
Inventory and Production Management in Supply Chains 4th Edition Authored by a team of experts, the new edition of this bestseller presents practical techniques for managing inventory and production throughout...
The Path to Personal Power (The Mental Dynamite Series) This true lost manuscript from the "grandfather of self-help," Napoleon Hill provides timeless wisdom on how to attain a more successful...