The Resident Physician Treatment Guide by Dr. Abdul Zahir is a comprehensive resource designed to meet the needs of House Officers (HOs), Non-Consultant Doctors (NOs), General Practitioners (GPs), and trainees...
"MBBS Cafeteria Compendium 4: Topical UHS Past MCQs & SEQs for 4th Year MBBS" by Dr. Ayesha Batool, Dr. Ayesha Azha, and Dr. M. Rafay ur Rehman is an essential...
"ARC Quick Review Solved Papers" for 4th Year MBBS by Ali Raza Chaudary offers a comprehensive yet concise resource for medical students preparing for their exams. With a focus on...
MBBS Cafeteria introduces the Topical Past MCQs for MBBS 4th Year Students, designed to assist students in mastering key medical topics and acing exams. This edition compiles high-yield, exam-relevant multiple-choice...
The ARC Series presents the first-ever comprehensive ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) Case Review Chart for MBBS students, meticulously crafted by Ali Raza Chaudary. This invaluable resource is designed to...
ENT (MBBS Cafeteria) for 4th Year MBBS: A Comprehensive Review of Dhingra and All Past Papers by Wishah Sultan, Ayesha Azhar, and Muhammad Rafay Ur Rehman is a detailed guide...
The "Key To NUMS Solved Past University Questions" for 4th Year MBBS and Allied Health Sciences (AHS), such as MIT and DPT, provides a thorough collection of solved university questions...
The "Guide to UHS MCQs Solved Papers 4th Year MBBS" (3rd Edition) is an essential resource for students in their final year of medical school, preparing for exams under the...
"Golden MCQs On Clinical Medical Sciences" is a comprehensive guide crafted by a group of experienced examiners, specifically designed to assist candidates preparing for the Sindh Public Service Commission (SPSC)...
Comprehensive Otorhinolaryngology 4th Edition by Muhammad Younas Varachue is a thorough and up-to-date reference for students, residents, and practitioners specializing in otolaryngology (ENT). This edition provides an in-depth exploration of...
"Chapter 5 Solved Topical Past Papers SEQS And Mcqs of Final Year MBBS" by Dr Abdul Manan, Dr. Aaybaad Ahmad, and Dr. Ghulam Dastageer from ZUBAIR BOOK DEPOT offers a...