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In the 1st Year (Class XI) curriculum under the Punjab Board, the following subjects are offered: English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer Science, Urdu, Islamic Studies (including Tafseer-ul-Quran), Pakistani Studies, Economics, Business Studies, and Accountancy. For students seeking additional support, helping books from renowned publishers are available at Books n Books for a more comprehensive exam preparation. These helping books offer practice questions, past papers, and study guides tailored to each subject, providing students with essential resources to reinforce their learning and enhance their exam readiness.

Showing 1 to 20 of 94 items

  Avalaible : Send Order On Whatsapp 03336110619      With Advanced Payment (COD Not Avalaible) Hamdard Scholar Up-To-Date Past Papers For Intermediate Part I,11th Class.This comprehensive guide offers chapter-wise...



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Hamdard Scholar Up To Date Past Papers

This series by Asif Nawaz offers bilingual (English-Urdu) textbooks for students of pharmacy, biochemistry, microbiology, anatomy, and physiology. The books simplify complex scientific concepts for beginners, especially for those who...




Pharmacy Technician Category - B Part-I (English-Urdu)-

  Avalaible : Send Order On Whatsapp 03336110619      With Advanced Payment (COD Not Avalaible) A+ Plus Up-To-Date Past Papers 11thth Class.This comprehensive guide offers chapter-wise solutions to MCQs,...



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A+ Plus Up-To-Date Past Papers 11th Class

This textbook is designed for 11th-grade students following the Federal Board curriculum, focusing on fundamental biological concepts. It covers a wide range of topics, including cell biology, molecular biology, genetics,...


Biology Textbook for 11th Grade: Federal Board

The book "Caravan Psychology Practical Note Book for Intermediate" by Rakhshanda Shahnaz, published by Caravan Books, is an essential resource for intermediate students studying psychology. It provides a detailed and...




Caravan Psychology Practical Note Book For Intermediate

"Scholar Series Physics 11 Advanced Objective 1st Year for Intermediate" by Prof. Muhammad Yamin, Prof. Muhammad Adeel Aslam, and Prof. Muhammad Farooq is a comprehensive study guide designed for first-year...



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SCHOLAR SERIES PHYSICS 11 Advanced Objective by

The Pharmacy Technician Category B Practical Book 1st Year (Part 1) is meticulously designed according to the syllabus of the Punjab Pharmacy Council. This comprehensive resource caters to students pursuing...




Pharmacy Technician Category B Practical Book 1st

This textbook is designed specifically for 11th-grade students studying chemistry under the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE). It aims to provide a strong foundation in the principles...




A TextBook of Chemistry for 12th Federal

Class 12 Books (Punjab Textbook Board)ALL COURCES INCLUDING MEDICAL FSC I.COM ICS Tarjuma-tul-Quran-ul-Majeed Translation of the Quran, covering essential lessons and meanings for students. Human Geography (Insani Geography) Study of...



Punjab Textbooks Of Class 11 - PTB

Computer Science For ICS Part-I (Talent Series) is a comprehensive textbook designed for students pursuing Intermediate in Computer Science (ICS). It covers essential computer science concepts, including programming, data structures,...




Computer Science For ICS Part-I (Talent Series)

Scholar Series Advanced Objective Biology 11 by G.M Rashid and M. Shakeel Ahmad is a specialized resource designed for Class 11 students aiming to excel in their biology exams. This...



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Scholar Series Advanced Objective Biology 11 by

This textbook is designed specifically for 11th-grade students studying chemistry under the Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE). It aims to provide a strong foundation in the principles...




A TextBook of Chemistry for 11th Federal

Basic Accounting I. Com Part - I by Javed Akhtar is a comprehensive guide aimed at students pursuing their first year of I.Com (Intermediate Commerce). This book simplifies the fundamental...




Basic Accounting I. Com Part - I

"Islamiat Lazmi for Class 10" is an essential textbook designed for tenth-grade students studying Islamic Studies. This book provides a thorough exploration of Islamic teachings, history, and principles, aligning with...


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Text Book: Islamiat lazmi for Class 10

College Physics Subjective 11th by Rao Asif Imran Abid is a comprehensive textbook designed for students studying physics at the college level. This book covers all essential topics in physics...




College Physics Subjective 11th by Rao Asif

Pharmacy Technician Category B by Dr. Talha Ibrahim is a comprehensive guide designed for students and professionals in the field of pharmacy. Covering key disciplines such as biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacognosy,...




Pharmacy Technician - I (5 In 1

This set of three books, compiled by the Punjab Medical Faculty and published by Maktabah Danyal, serves as an essential resource for first-year students pursuing a career in Operation Theatre...




Operation Theatre Technique Fsc.Part I Books

This set of three books, compiled by the Punjab Medical Faculty and published by Maktabh Danyal, is designed for first-year Medical Lab Technician students. Each book covers a fundamental area...




Medical Lab Technician FSc Part 1 Books

"CMW Community Midwifery Solved Papers of Nursing (Part - I) 1st Year" by Dr. Wajid Mughal is an essential resource designed for nursing students preparing for their examinations. This comprehensive...




CMW Community Midwifery Solved Papers Of Nursing

"Rahber Economics for Intermediate Part - I" by Dr. Fareed Sharif, Abul Ghani Chaudhary, and Tahir Mahmood is a fundamental textbook tailored for intermediate students studying economics. Published by Qureshi...




Rahber Economics For Intermediate Part - I