Dr. Muhammad Shoaib Kanwal’s Key to UHS 2nd Year MCQs & SEQs Solved Past Papers is an essential resource for 2nd-year MBBS students following the University of Health Sciences (UHS)...
Guide to UHS MCQs for 2nd Year MBBS and DPT Students 5th Edition by Dr. Muhammad Talha Matlub, Dr. Mudassir Muhammad, and Prof. Zahid Bulandshahri, published by Zubair Book Depot,...
"Chapter 2 Solved UHS SEQs and MCQs Of 2nd Year MBBS With Practice MCQs and Notes 1st Edition 2024" by Dr. Abdul Manan, Dr. Aaybaaad Ahmad, Dr. Ghulam Dastgeer-Zubair, published...
MEDICNETIC MBBS Modular Series Second Year Block-6 by Dr. Umar Rafi is a comprehensive guide for MBBS students, covering crucial subjects such as Neuroscience-I, Inflammation, Pakistan Studies, and Islamiayat. This...
The "Pool to UHS MCQs for 2nd Year MBBS" by Muhammad Zahoor Daha is a specialized resource that provides a comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) targeted for students preparing...
"BLOCK-5 Medico Express: Endocrinology & Reproduction Module, Head & Neck Module for 2nd Year MBBS" is a specialized textbook designed for medical students preparing for their second-year MBBS examinations. This...
The "BLOCK 4 MEDICNETIC MBBS Modular Series Past Papers for 2nd Year" is a comprehensive collection of past examination papers designed to help medical students prepare for their modular exams...
"BLOCK 5: MEDICNETIC MBBS Modular Series Past Papers 2nd Year" by Dr. Umar Rafi is a specialized resource designed to support MBBS students in their second year with focused preparation...
UHS MCQs Cracks is a specialized guide aimed at helping students in their second year of MBBS, BDS, and DPT programs prepare for the University of Health Sciences (UHS) examinations....
Medico Express Block 6: Neuroscience - I & Inflammation Module for 2nd Year MBBS by Dr. Hunzala Siddiq Khan and Dr. Fatima Nasir is an essential educational resource tailored for...
BLOCK-4 Medico Express For 2nd Year MBBS Authors: Hunzala Siddiq Khan, Dr. Fatima NasirModules Covered: Module 6: GIT and Nutrition 1 Module 7: Renal 1Category: Medical, MBBS Study GuideSuitable For:...
MBBS Cafeteria Compendium 2 – Topical Past MCQs & SEQs for 2nd Year MBBS (1st Generation) is a comprehensive exam preparation guide featuring 3000+ solved MCQs and SEQs from top...
The "Joyia Series Secrets Of NRE 1 FCPS 1 MD/MS 1 (Vol I - II) 7th Edition" is an invaluable resource designed specifically for medical students and professionals preparing for...
Assistance MCQs for UHS Physiology (Friends Yellow Series) by Dr. Muddassir Muhammad is a specialized MCQ book designed to assist students in their first and second-year studies of MBBS, BDS,...
The "First Aid 2nd Year MBBS Solved Papers" (7th Edition) by Dr. Hafiz Bilal is a comprehensive exam preparation guide designed specifically for 2nd-year MBBS students. It includes solved past...
The "Medhelper UHS Past MCQ for MBBS BDS PMDC: 2nd Year (2nd Edition)" is a comprehensive guide designed to help MBBS and BDS students prepare for their 2nd-year exams in...
he "MBBS Cafeteria: The Ultimate Exam Prep Guide" is a comprehensive resource tailored for students from various prestigious medical institutions, including UHS, KEMU, NUMS, AKU, FJMU, NMU, RMU, DOW, and...
This 4th edition of the Experimental Physiology Manual is specifically designed for students of MBBS, BDS, MLT, DPT, and other allied health sciences. The manual provides detailed practical guidance for...
Pasttest of UHS Solved University Questions and SEQs for 2nd Year MBBS and 1st Year BDS 6th Edition by Dr. Amna Iqbal, Dr. Iqar Shahzad, and Dr. Rabia Iqbal is...
The Cafeteria Block 04: Renal, GIT & Nutrition System is a specialized study guide designed for 2nd Year MBBS students. It focuses on the Renal (Urinary System), Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT),...