Ruthless Vows (Letters of Enchantment Book 2) by Rebecca Ross (Author) is the captivating second installment in the Letters of Enchantment series, blending romance, intrigue, and fantasy. The novel continues...
No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai (Author), Donald Keene (Translator) is a profound and haunting novel that explores themes of alienation, identity, and existential despair. Considered one of the greatest...
Cruel King: A Dark New Adult Romance (Royal Elite) by Rina Kent (Author) is a gripping entry into the dark romance genre, blending intense emotions with a high-stakes narrative. The...
The Housemaid Is Watching: An Absolutely Gripping Psychological Thriller Packed with Twists by Freida McFadden (Author) is a suspenseful and enthralling novel that will keep readers on the edge of...
Tanveer Notes GoldenFile 17 (May & Aug 23) by Dr. Tanveer Ahmad is an essential resource for FCPS-1 candidates, offering a comprehensive and streamlined approach to exam preparation. This 10th...
"MCQs in Chemistry For CSS PMS" by Haq Nawaz Bhatti, published by Caravan, serves as an indispensable resource for individuals preparing for the competitive Central Superior Services (CSS) and Provincial...
"Nanomaterials and Nanochemistry" by Haq Nawaz Bhatti, published by Caravan Publishers, would likely delve into the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, specifically focusing on the synthesis, properties, and applications of...
"Sub Inspector Guide BS-14" by Ch Ahmad Najib, published by Caravan, serves as an indispensable resource for individuals aspiring to excel in the competitive recruitment process for the position of...
"Analytical Chemistry for Graduate Students" by Haq Nawaz Bhatti is an essential textbook designed specifically for graduate students pursuing studies in chemistry. Published by Caravan, this book covers fundamental and...
"Modern Physical Chemistry for Graduate Students Vol 2" by Haq Nawaz Bhatti published by Caravan Publishers is likely a continuation of a comprehensive textbook series aimed at graduate students studying...
"Modern Physical Chemistry for Graduate Students" by Haq Nawaz Bhatti, published by Caravan Publishers, is likely a textbook aimed at graduate students pursuing degrees in chemistry, specifically focusing on the...
ASI Assistant Sub-Inspector Guide" authored by Ch Ahmad Najib and published by Caravan Publishers, is likely a comprehensive resource tailored to aid individuals preparing for the Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) examination....
"Advanced Organic Chemistry Vol 2 for BS MSc" by Caravan Publishers, authored by Haq Nawaz Bhatti, is likely a continuation of the series focusing on advanced topics in organic chemistry...
"Prepare for your chemistry examinations with confidence using "Test Your Chemistry For BS Graduate Students" by Dr. Haq Nawaz Bhatti, published by Caravan Publishers. This comprehensive guide is designed to...
"Chromatography" by Haq Nawaz Bhatti and M. Asif Hanif is likely a textbook that provides a comprehensive overview of chromatography techniques, principles, and applications. Here's what you might expect to...
Hafiz Helper Series MCQ Book Manual Physical Therapy for DPT by Dr. Maria Tahir and Dr. Hafiz Shafiq is an essential study guide tailored for students and professionals in the...
"Clinical Practice (Logbook 1) I and II: History Taking and Systems Review for 3rd Year DPT Doctor of Physical Therapy" by Dr. Zahid Mehmood Bhatti, published by Zubair Book Depot,...
"Commerce & Bookkeeping MCQs for Lecturer" by M. Sohail Bhatti -Bhatti is likely a study resource specifically designed to assist individuals preparing for lecturer positions in the field of commerce...
"Computer Science MCQs for Lecturer CSS" by M. Sohail Bhatti -Bhatti is likely a study resource specifically tailored to help individuals preparing for the Computer Science portion of the Competitive...
Osama’s Ophthalmology Notes for FCPS Part 1 (2nd Edition) by Dr. Osama Javaid and Dr. Muhammad Saad is a comprehensive study guide designed to assist medical students in preparing for...