"10% Happier" by Dan Harris is an insightful and engaging memoir that delves into the author’s journey of finding inner peace and mindfulness. The revised edition of this bestseller expands...
In "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do," therapist and social worker Amy Morin provides a powerful guide for building mental resilience. Inspired by her own personal losses, Morin presents...
"A Guide to Rational Living" by Albert Ellis and Robert A. Harper is a groundbreaking book that introduces the principles of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), a cognitive-behavioral approach to...
In "On Love Longing Intimacy And Contentment," originally penned by the renowned Islamic philosopher Al-Ghazali and translated by Eric Orms, an insightful exploration of human emotions and relationships unfolds. Al-Ghazali...
"Al-Ghazali on the Condemnation of Pride and Self-Admiration," translated by Muhammad Rustom, delves into the profound Islamic teachings on the perils of pride and the dangers of self-admiration. This work...
In "Al Ghazali On Vigilance Self Examination," translated by Anthony F. Shaker, readers delve into the profound insights of Islamic philosopher Al-Ghazali on the importance of self-awareness and introspection in...
Al Kitaab by Ahmad Rafique Akhtar-Sang E Meel is a profound exploration of spirituality and human existence. Akhtar delves into the depths of the human soul, offering insights into the...
"Apni Talash" by Qasim Ali Shah is an inspiring and motivational book that encourages readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal development. Shah, a renowned motivational speaker...
Are We All Lemmings & Snowflakes by Holly Bourne is a thought-provoking young adult novel that explores mental health, individuality, and societal pressures through the story of Olive, a teenager...
Awaz-e-Dost is a profound work by the renowned Pakistani author, Mukhtar Masood. This literary piece takes the reader on a journey through deep reflections on human relationships, life, and the...
Azazeel (عزازیل) by Rabia Khan is a novel written in Urdu, weaving a tale that delves into themes of good and evil, internal struggles, and spiritual conflicts. The title "Azazeel"...
Basto Kushaad (بست و کشاد) Author: پروفیسر احمد رفیق اختر (Professor Ahmad Rafique Akhtar)Genre: Islamic Philosophy, Spirituality, Intellectual ThoughtLanguage: Urdu Basto Kushaad is a significant work by Professor Ahmad Rafique...
"Better Decisions: Direct your life. Influence your world" by Chris Grant is a transformative guide that empowers readers to take control of their lives and make meaningful impact in their...
In "Better Sex Through Mindfulness: How Women Can Cultivate Desire," Lori A. Brotto presents a groundbreaking exploration into the intersection of mindfulness and female sexuality. Drawing from her expertise in...
In "Body Language Secrets," R. Don Steele presents a comprehensive guide to decoding nonverbal cues during courtship and dating. Understanding body language is crucial for effective communication and forming connections....
In "Contemplation: An Islamic Psychospiritual Study," Malik Badri explores the profound practice of contemplation within the framework of Islamic spirituality and psychology. He delves into how this reflective process enhances...
In the fifth edition of "Counselling: An Introduction" by John McLeod, readers are provided with a comprehensive overview of the field of counseling. McLeod delves into various theoretical approaches, practical...
In "Crucial Conversations," Joseph Grenny and Kerry Patterson present essential strategies for navigating high-stakes discussions effectively. The book equips readers with tools to handle crucial conversations—those characterized by opposing opinions,...
"Discover Your Destiny" by Robin Sharma is a transformative journey that empowers readers to unlock their fullest potential and embark on a path of self-discovery and personal growth. Through insightful...
In "Don't Believe Everything You Think," Joseph Nguyen explores the profound impact of thoughts on personal suffering and well-being. This book delves into how our cognitive processes can perpetuate emotional...