"A Slow Fire Burning: A Novel" by Paula Hawkins is a gripping psychological thriller that explores the dark corners of human nature. The story revolves around a brutal murder on...
"A Spark of Light" by Jodi Picoult is a riveting exploration of the complexities surrounding women's reproductive rights in contemporary America. Set within the intense backdrop of a women's reproductive...
"A Spool of Blue Thread: A Novel" by Anne Tyler delves into the intricacies of family dynamics with her trademark blend of wit and insight. Set against the backdrop of...
"A Stranger in My Own Country: East Pakistan, 1969–1971" by Major General (Retd.) Khadim Hussain Raja offers a poignant firsthand account of the tumultuous events leading to the creation of...
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams A Streetcar Named Desire is a play written by Tennessee Williams and first performed on Broadway on December 3, 1947. ...
"A Student's Guide to General Relativity (Student's Guides), 1st Edition" by Norman Gray is a comprehensive introduction to the principles of general relativity, tailored for undergraduate and early graduate students....
"A Student's Guide to Laplace Transforms" by Daniel Fleisch is an indispensable resource for students seeking to master this powerful mathematical tool. In this new edition, Fleisch offers clear explanations...
"A Student's Guide to Maxwell's Equations" by Daniel Fleisch provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental principles governing electromagnetism. In this first edition, Fleisch employs a pedagogical approach to unravel...
"A Student's Guide to Special Relativity" by Norman Gray presents an accessible introduction to one of the most fundamental theories in modern physics. In this new edition, Gray offers clear...
"A Student's Guide to the Mathematics of Astronomy" by Daniel Fleisch and Julia Kregenow provides a comprehensive yet accessible exploration of the mathematical principles underpinning the study of astronomy. In...
"A Student's Guide to the Schrödinger Equation" by Daniel A. Fleisch offers a comprehensive exploration of one of the foundational concepts in quantum mechanics. In this illustrated edition, Fleisch combines...
"A Student's Guide to Vectors and Tensors (Student's Guides), 1st Edition" by Daniel A. Fleisch is an essential resource for students seeking a clear and concise understanding of vectors and...
"A Student's Guide to Waves" (Student's Guides, 1st Edition) by Daniel Fleisch and Laura Kinnaman is a comprehensive resource designed for students seeking to understand the fundamental concepts of wave...
A Study of Western Political Thought by Dr. Sultan Khan - FAMOUS is a comprehensive resource specifically designed for students pursuing a Master’s degree in Political Science, particularly those preparing...
"A Suitable Boy: A Novel (Modern Classics)" by Vikram Seth is a sweeping, epic narrative set in post-independence India, exploring the lives of four extended families over 18 months. At...
In "A Synopsis of Epidemiology and Basic Statistics 2nd Edition," Ali Mohammad Mir-Zubair provides a comprehensive overview of essential concepts in epidemiology and basic statistics, catering primarily to students and...
"A Textbook of Business Taxation 2024" by Ijaz Ali Waince offers a comprehensive guide to understanding business taxation in a changing regulatory landscape. The book provides an up-to-date examination of...
A Text Book Of History Of English Literature Divided into a number of periods, as is the usual practice, this tome on the history of English literature from the times...
"A Text Book of Inorganic Chemistry" by Muhammad Zafar Iqbal Hafiz is an essential resource tailored specifically for students of BSc Part 1, Paper B, and BS Semester 2. This...
In "A Textbook of Modern English History: 1714-1965," author George Walter Southgate delivers a comprehensive narrative that traces the evolution of English history from the early 18th century to the...