"WAK ETB Series Physics for MDCAT" is a comprehensive guide tailored for students preparing for the Medical and Dental College Admission Test (MDCAT). This book is meticulously aligned with the...
In "Waking Up," Sam Harris navigates the complex terrain of spirituality with a refreshing perspective that transcends traditional religious boundaries. Drawing from his background in neuroscience and philosophy, Harris presents...
In B. F. Skinner's utopian novel "Walden Two," the narrative unfolds around a fictional community guided by principles of behavioral engineering and social planning. Set against the backdrop of a...
"Wali Say Iqbal Tak" by Dr. Syed Abdullah is a profound exploration of the evolution of Urdu poetry, tracing its development from the classical works of Wali Muhammad Wali to...
"Wapsi /واپسی" by Umera Ahmed intricately weaves a tale of redemption and self-discovery against the backdrop of familial bonds and personal turmoil. Set in the labyrinthine streets of Karachi, the...
"Warcross" by Marie Lu takes readers into a vibrant and thrilling future where virtual reality gaming isn't just a pastime but a way of life. The story follows Emika Chen,...
Prepare comprehensively for the Warder and Lady Warder recruitment test conducted by the Prison Department with the Test Guide by Ali Akbar Gujjar, published by Dogar. This guide is meticulously...
"Wastewater Treatment with Algae" edited by Y.S. Wong and N.F.Y. Tam delves into the innovative use of algae in the purification of wastewater. This book provides a comprehensive overview of...
Water Treatment Technologies for the Removal of High-Toxity Pollutants (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security) Water is essential for life, a strategic resource for every country and...
"Wave Propagation in the Ionosphere" by K. Rawer is a seminal work that explores the intricate phenomenon of electromagnetic wave propagation through the Earth's ionosphere. Authored by the esteemed physicist...
"We Are Not Like Them" delves into the intricate complexities of friendship, race, and the enduring power of secrets. Co-authored by Christine Pride and Jo Piazza, this novel paints a...
"Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy" by Cathy O'Neil explores the pervasive impact of algorithms and big data analytics on society, shedding light on...
In "Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data, 2nd Edition," Bing Liu provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the intricate world of web data mining. This book delves...
"Weir & Abrahams' Imaging Atlas of Human Anatomy, now in its 6th edition, remains a definitive resource crafted by Jonathan Spratt, Lonie R. Salkowski, Marios Loukas, Tom Turmezei, Jamie Weir,...
In "Welcome Home: A Guide to Building a Home for Your Soul," Najwa Zebian invites readers on a profound journey inward, where the search for belonging and tranquility begins. Through...
In "We'll Always Have Summer" by Jenny Han, the warm embrace of summer serves as the backdrop to a tender and tumultuous tale of love, loss, and the enduring bonds...
Unlock the profound insights of Western political thought tailored for M.A CSS PMS aspirants in Muhammad Aslam Chaudhary's comprehensive guide, published by AH Publications. This meticulously crafted resource serves as...
What Ails The Pakistani Power Sector by Tahir Basharat Cheema is a compelling monograph that delves deep into the complexities and challenges facing Pakistan's power sector. Comprised of 18 meticulously...