In "Consumer Behavior and Advertising Management" by Matin Khan, the intricate relationship between consumer behavior and effective advertising strategies is thoroughly explored. Understanding consumer behavior is pivotal for advertisers to...
"Convex Optimization" by Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe serves as a definitive guide to one of the most fundamental concepts in mathematics and engineering. In this groundbreaking first edition, Boyd...
Unlock the intricacies of cost and management accounting with the comprehensive lecture notes authored by Amjad Bhatti and published by CRESCENT. Tailored for students studying CAF-03, this resource provides valuable...
In "Critical Thinking: A Student's Introduction," now in its 4th edition and authored by Gregory Bassham, William Irwin, Henry Nardone, and James Wallace, students are guided through the essential skills...
In "CSS Solved Papers Of Political Science From 2016 To Date By Shabbir Hussain-Caravan for PMS and PCS," readers gain a comprehensive resource for navigating political science questions in the...
Delegation and supervision are pivotal skills in effective leadership, crucial for achieving organizational success. Brian Tracy's comprehensive guide in "Delegation & Supervision: The Brian Tracy Success Library" offers actionable insights...
The "Deputy Accountant Guide" by Ch Ahmad Najib, published by Caravan Publishers, serves as a comprehensive resource for preparing for deputy accountant exams. It covers essential topics in accounting, financial...
In "Elixir Of Public Administration CSS PCS PMS 2nd Edition," authored by Irfan Ur Rehman Raja and published by JWT, readers are invited into a comprehensive exploration of the intricate...
Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves is a comprehensive guide to understanding and improving one's emotional intelligence (EQ). This book delves into the four core skills of...
Title: Everyday Use Vocabulary - JWT (Jahangir's World Times)In the vast realm of English language learning, enriching one's everyday vocabulary is pivotal for effective communication and comprehension. "Everyday Use Vocabulary...
"Experimental Psychology, 9th Edition" by Barry H. Kantowitz, Henry L. Roediger , and David G. Elmes is a thorough and engaging textbook that provides an in-depth exploration of experimental methods...
"First Things First" by Stephen R. Covey, A. Roger Merrill, and Rebecca R. Merrill is a seminal work in personal and professional effectiveness, focusing on prioritization and time management strategies....
In "Foreign Policy & The Political Process," William Wallace delivers an insightful exploration into the intricate dynamics between foreign policy decisions and the political processes governing nations, specifically tailored for...
"Foreign Policy Of Major Powers" by Imran Shahzad offers a comprehensive analysis of the diplomatic strategies and international relations of leading global players. Shahzad meticulously examines the foreign policies of...
"Fundamentals of Management 11th Edition" by Stephen P. Robbins, Mary A. Coulter, and David A. De Cenzo provides a comprehensive overview of the essential principles of management. This extensively revised...
In "Governance and Public Policies for CSS PMS PCS," esteemed authors Dr. Rasheed Ahmad and Muhammad Sohail Bhatti present a comprehensive guide tailored specifically for aspirants of competitive examinations such...
History of USA for CSS PMS by M. Ikram Rabbani is an essential textbook for students preparing for the CSS and PMS exams. This book provides an in-depth look at...
In "How Not To Be Wrong: The Power Of Mathematical Thinking" by Jordan Ellenberg, readers are taken on a captivating journey through the fascinating world of mathematical reasoning. With clarity...
The ICAP CFAP-03 Strategy and Performance Measurement Study Text is an indispensable resource designed for financial professionals pursuing the Chartered Financial Analyst Program offered by the Institute of Chartered Accountants...
The ICAP Rise PRC-04: Introduction to Accounting (Vol-II) builds upon the foundational concepts introduced in Volume I. This volume delves into more advanced accounting topics, emphasizing practical applications, financial statement...