In "Above The Fold: Understanding The Principles of Successful Web Site Design" by Brian Miller, the author delves into the fundamental elements that contribute to effective website design, focusing on...
"Business Driven Technology 9th Edition" by Paige Baltzan navigates the dynamic intersection of business and technology, offering a comprehensive exploration of how modern enterprises leverage technological innovations to drive growth...
"Digital Marketing 8th Edition" by Dave Chaffey and Fiona Ellis-Chadwick is a comprehensive guide to the rapidly evolving field of digital marketing. This edition provides updated insights into key digital...
In "Excel Dashboards & Reports For Dummies," Michael Alexander provides a comprehensive guide to creating dynamic and visually compelling dashboards and reports using Microsoft Excel. Tailored for users of all...
In "Excel Data Analysis For Dummies," Paul McFedries provides a comprehensive guide to harnessing the power of Microsoft Excel for data analysis tasks. Tailored for users of all levels of...
"Explore the dynamic intersection of business and technology with 'Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm,' now in its 16th Edition, authored by renowned experts Kenneth C Laudon and Jane...
"Practical Statistics for Data Scientists 2nd Edition" is an essential guide for anyone diving into the realm of data science, providing a comprehensive foundation in statistical analysis tailored specifically for...
In "Web Data Mining: Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data, 2nd Edition," Bing Liu provides a comprehensive guide to understanding the intricate world of web data mining. This book delves...