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Test Master AMC Army Medical College Admission Test Solved Papers Guide - Dogar

Test Master AMC Army Medical College Admission Test Solved Papers Guide - Dogar

  • Publisher: DOGAR BROTHERS
  • Availability: In Stock
  • SKU: 44986
  • Number of Pages: 248



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"Test Master AMC Army Medical College Admission Test Solved Papers Guide" by Dogar Brothers is a comprehensive preparatory resource specifically designed for candidates aspiring to gain admission to the Army Medical College (AMC). This guide provides an in-depth review of the AMC admission test, featuring solved papers for thorough preparation. It includes three solved papers for each subject, allowing students to practice and familiarize themselves with the types of questions and formats they will encounter during the exam. In addition to the solved papers, the guide offers insights into personality tests, which are an essential component of the admission process. The book is structured to enhance understanding, improve test-taking strategies, and build confidence among prospective AMC students.

Key Points:

  1. Three Solved Papers Per Subject: Each subject includes three solved papers, providing ample practice and helping students understand the exam pattern and question types.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage: Covers all the major subjects included in the AMC admission test, ensuring that students are well-prepared for each section.
  3. Detailed Solutions: Offers detailed solutions and explanations for each question, helping students grasp concepts and correct their mistakes.
  4. Personality Tests: Includes information and practice materials for personality tests, a crucial part of the AMC admission process.
  5. Practice and Revision: Facilitates extensive practice and revision with multiple solved papers, improving students' familiarity with the exam format.
  6. Test-Taking Strategies: Provides strategies and tips for effective test-taking, helping students manage time and approach questions efficiently.
  7. Confidence Building: Aims to build students' confidence by offering a realistic preview of the exam through practice papers and solved examples.
  8. Exam Pattern Familiarity: Helps students become familiar with the AMC admission test pattern, reducing anxiety and improving performance on the test day.
  9. Comprehensive Resource: Serves as a comprehensive resource for AMC test preparation, combining practice papers with valuable insights into personality assessments.
  10. Expert Preparation: Developed by Dogar Brothers, known for their expertise in test preparation materials, ensuring high-quality and reliable content.


"Test Master AMC Army Medical College Admission Test Solved Papers Guide" by Dogar Brothers is an invaluable tool for aspiring AMC students. With its extensive collection of solved papers and insights into personality tests, the guide offers a thorough and effective preparation strategy. By providing detailed solutions, practical tips, and practice opportunities, this book equips candidates with the knowledge and confidence needed to excel in the AMC admission test and achieve their academic goals.

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Writer                               TEST PREP 
            DOGAR BROTHERS

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