Killing Commendatore by Haruki Murakami
- Availability: In Stock
- SKU: 36880
- Number of Pages: 647
Tags: abstract narrative , abstract symbolism , alternate realities , alternate realities in fiction , alternate worlds , art and creativity , art and truth , art in storytelling , artistic identity , booksnbook , complex characters , creative exploration , creativity and art , creativity in literature , cultural memory in fiction , enigmatic characters , existential narrative , existential reflection , existential themes , good quality , Haruki Murakami , Haruki Murakami books , Haruki Murakami fans , historical backdrop , human condition , identity and memory , introspective novel , Japanese culture , Japanese history , Japanese literature , Japan’s cultural memory , Killing Commendatore , literary magic , loneliness , magical elements , metaphysical dimensions , metaphysical fiction , metaphysical narrative , metaphysical storytelling , modern Japanese fiction , multilayered storytelling , Murakami novel , Murakami storytelling , Murakami themes , Murakami’s imagination , mysterious characters in fiction , mysterious occurrences , mysterious painting , mystical experiences , parallel worlds , Philip Gabriel translation , philosophical questions , philosophical themes , portrait painter , profound narrative , rich prose , supernatural elements , surreal Japanese fiction , surreal storytelling , surrealism , surrealism in literature. , symbolic fiction , themes of isolation , wartime Japan , White paper