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Philosophy For CSS PMS PCS

Philosophy For CSS PMS PCS by Syed Ali Turab Kirmani - JWT

  • Publisher: Jahangir's World Times , JWT
  • Availability: In Stock
  • SKU: 23585
  • Number of Pages: 296



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Philosophy for CSS PMS PCS by Syed Ali Turab Kirmani and Muhammad Usamah Safdar, published by Jahangir's World Times (JWT), is a crucial resource for students preparing for competitive exams such as CSS, PMS, and PCS. This comprehensive guide offers an in-depth exploration of philosophical concepts, theories, and their applications. It is designed to aid aspirants in understanding and mastering philosophy as a subject, which is essential for their exams.

Key Points:

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Provides a thorough overview of philosophical concepts, theories, and key philosophers.
  • Exam Preparation: Tailored specifically for CSS, PMS, and PCS exams to help students excel in the philosophy section.
  • Detailed Explanations: Includes clear and detailed explanations of complex philosophical ideas and theories.
  • Relevant Content: Focuses on topics and questions commonly featured in competitive exams.
  • Educational Resource: Serves as a valuable tool for students seeking to deepen their understanding of philosophy.
  • Authored by Experts: Written by Syed Ali Turab Kirmani and Muhammad Usamah Safdar, knowledgeable authors in the field of philosophy.


Philosophy for CSS PMS PCS by Syed Ali Turab Kirmani and Muhammad Usamah Safdar is an essential guide for competitive exam candidates aiming to master philosophy. Its comprehensive coverage, detailed explanations, and relevance to CSS, PMS, and PCS exams make it a valuable resource for achieving academic success in this subject.

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Writer                 ✤    Syed Ali Turab Kirmani , Muhammad Usamah Safdar 

Publishers           ✤    Jahangir's World Times , JWT

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