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Criminalistics An Introduction To Forensic Science 11th By Richard Saferstein

Criminalistics An Introduction To Forensic Science 11th Edition by Richard Saferstein

  • Publisher: MEDICAL BOOKS
  • Availability: In Stock
  • SKU: 30186
  • Number of Pages: 548



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Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science 11th Edition by Richard Saferstein provides an in-depth look at the principles and techniques used in forensic science to solve crimes. This edition continues to offer a clear and comprehensive introduction to the field, focusing on the practical application of scientific methods in criminal investigations. It covers a wide range of topics, from the analysis of physical evidence to the latest advancements in forensic technology, making it an essential resource for students and professionals alike.

Key Points

1. Overview of Criminalistics The book begins with a foundational understanding of criminalistics, defining it as the application of scientific techniques in collecting and analyzing physical evidence from crime scenes.

2. Crime Scene Investigation Detailed procedures for crime scene investigation are discussed, emphasizing the importance of systematic evidence collection and preservation to prevent contamination and ensure accuracy.

3. Physical Evidence The types of physical evidence commonly encountered in forensic science are explored, including biological materials, firearms, and trace evidence like hair and fibers.

4. Fingerprint Analysis Saferstein covers the history, methods, and significance of fingerprint analysis in identifying individuals and linking them to crime scenes.

5. DNA Profiling Advances in DNA technology and its crucial role in solving crimes are explained, highlighting techniques such as PCR and STR analysis.

6. Forensic Toxicology The text delves into forensic toxicology, discussing the detection of drugs, alcohol, and poisons in biological specimens, and their relevance to criminal investigations.

7. Forensic Pathology Key aspects of forensic pathology, including the determination of cause and manner of death, autopsy procedures, and the examination of wounds and injuries, are examined.

8. Trace Evidence Analysis The analysis of trace evidence such as hair, fibers, glass, and paint is covered, showcasing methods used to link suspects to crime scenes.

9. Firearms and Ballistics The examination of firearms, ammunition, and ballistic evidence is detailed, providing insights into the identification and matching of weapons to criminal activities.

10. Forensic Entomology An introduction to forensic entomology is provided, explaining how the study of insects can assist in determining the time of death and other aspects of a crime scene investigation.

In conclusion, Criminalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science 11th Edition by Richard Saferstein serves as a comprehensive guide for understanding the critical role of forensic science in the criminal justice system. By combining theoretical knowledge with practical applications, the book equips readers with the essential tools and techniques needed to conduct thorough and effective forensic investigations.

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Writer                 ✤                   Richard Saferstein

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