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God arises Evidence of God in nature and in science by wahiduddin-khan (Author)

  • Publisher: RELIGION BOOKS
  • Availability: In Stock
  • SKU: 42552
  • Number of Pages: 473



Tags: atheism , best books , best point , Best Selling Books , BestBooks , BestBuysPK , Big Bang , consciousness , God , God arises , highly recommended , materialism , moral values , nature , price-friendly. Comprehensive , prophets , Recommended Book , shop , spiritual insight. , universe , UnparalleledQuality BestPrice , wahiduddin-khan

"God Arises: Evidence of God in Nature and in Science" by Wahiduddin Khan is a book that explores the existence of God through the lens of science and nature. Here are 10 key points that summarize the book's themes and arguments:

  1. Science and Faith:

    • The book examines the relationship between scientific inquiry and religious faith, arguing that they are not mutually exclusive but can be harmonized.
  2. Evidence of Design in Nature:

    • Wahiduddin Khan discusses the evidence of design in the natural world, pointing to the complexity and order of the universe as indications of a Creator.
  3. Origin of the Universe:

    • The book explores the origins of the universe, discussing the Big Bang theory and suggesting that it supports the concept of a divine origin.
  4. Purpose and Meaning:

    • Khan argues that life has inherent purpose and meaning, which points to a higher power responsible for creating the universe and life within it.
  5. Human Intelligence and Consciousness:

    • The author discusses the unique qualities of human intelligence and consciousness, suggesting that these traits are evidence of a divine design.
  6. Moral Values and Ethics:

    • The book examines moral values and ethics, contending that a universal moral code is best explained by the existence of a moral Creator.
  7. Reconciliation of Science and Religion:

    • Khan proposes that science and religion are complementary, with science addressing "how" questions and religion addressing "why" questions.
  8. The Role of Prophets and Scriptures:

    • The book discusses the role of prophets and religious scriptures in providing guidance and reinforcing the idea of a divine presence in human history.
  9. Refutation of Atheism and Materialism:

    • Khan critiques atheism and materialism, arguing that they cannot fully explain the complexities of the universe or the human experience.
  10. Spiritual Insight and Reflection:

  • The book encourages spiritual insight and reflection as a means to understand the presence of God in the world and in one's own life.

These points encapsulate the book's exploration of the intersections between science, nature, and spirituality, aiming to demonstrate that the evidence for God's existence is grounded in rational analysis and observable phenomena.

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Writer                  ✤        wahiduddin-khan (Author)

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