Statistics is a mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, analysis, interpretation or explanation, and presentation of data, or as a branch of mathematics. Some consider statistics to be a distinct mathematical science rather than a branch of mathematics.
"Mathematical Statistics for BS" by Z.R. Bhatti, published by ILMI, is a crucial textbook designed for undergraduate students pursuing a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Mathematics, including those enrolled in...
Introductory StatisticsBS, Undergraduate, undergraduate statistics For Semester-I of BS (Honors) Stat-101According to the New Syllabus of Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan ...
A Quick Approach To Statistics With Questions And AnswersTABLE OF CONTENTS Introductory StatisticsBasic Probability TheoryRandom VariablesDiscrete Probability DistributionsContinuous Probability DistributionsRegression & CorrelationSamplingStatistical InferenceDesign and Analysis of ExperimentAnalysis of Time Series ...
A Modern Approach to Verbal Reasoning - Includes Latest Questions and their Solutions A Modern Approach To Verbal Reasoning is a helpful guide for students preparing for competitive exams, as...
SPSS for Psychologists (7th Edition) Authors: Virginia Harrison, Richard Kemp, Nicola Brace, Rosemary Snelgar Introduction: This book is a comprehensive guide to using SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)...
Excel Data Analysis 2nd ed. EditionThis book offers a comprehensive and readable introduction to modern business and data analytics. It is based on the use of Excel, a tool that...