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International Law

International Law by Dr H.O. Agarwal - AHP

  • Publisher: AH PUBLISHERS
  • Availability: In Stock
  • SKU: 29356
  • Number of Pages: 872



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International Law by Dr. H.O. Agarwal, published by AHP (AH Publishers), is a comprehensive and insightful textbook that explores the principles, frameworks, and practices of international law. Aimed at students, legal professionals, and researchers, this book delves into the various aspects of international law, covering its sources, subjects, and the key institutions that govern international relations. The book provides an in-depth analysis of topics such as the law of treaties, human rights, the law of the sea, international conflict resolution, and the role of international organizations like the United Nations. Dr. Agarwal also highlights the evolving nature of international law in response to modern challenges, such as global terrorism, environmental issues, and the increasing influence of non-state actors. With a clear, structured approach, this book is a valuable resource for understanding the complexities and dynamics of international legal systems in the contemporary world.


  1. Comprehensive Coverage of International Law: The book offers a detailed and systematic analysis of international law, addressing key topics such as treaties, state sovereignty, and the rights and duties of states.

  2. Sources of International Law: Dr. Agarwal explores the primary sources of international law, including conventions, treaties, customary international law, and general principles of law recognized by civilized nations.

  3. Focus on International Organizations: The role and functions of major international organizations, including the United Nations, the International Court of Justice, and the World Trade Organization, are discussed in detail.

  4. Human Rights and International Law: The book examines the protection of human rights within the framework of international law, discussing treaties such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and various conventions that protect individual freedoms.

  5. International Conflict Resolution: Dr. Agarwal explains the mechanisms available for the peaceful settlement of disputes between states, including diplomatic means, arbitration, and adjudication by international courts.

  6. Law of the Sea and Maritime Disputes: The book addresses the legal principles governing the use of oceans and seas, including territorial waters, exclusive economic zones, and the resolution of maritime disputes.

  7. Emerging Global Issues in International Law: The text reflects on how international law is adapting to contemporary challenges, such as environmental law, climate change, global terrorism, and cyber security.

  8. State Sovereignty vs. International Obligations: The book discusses the tension between state sovereignty and international obligations, exploring the balance between national interests and global cooperation.

  9. Interpretation of Treaties: Dr. Agarwal provides an in-depth analysis of the rules and procedures involved in the interpretation and enforcement of international treaties and agreements.

  10. Impact of Non-State Actors: The influence of non-state actors like multinational corporations, NGOs, and transnational movements on international law is explored, highlighting the evolving nature of international legal systems.

Conclusion: International Law by Dr. H.O. Agarwal is a well-rounded and insightful textbook that provides a thorough understanding of the field of international law. Through its clear explanations of foundational principles, case studies, and contemporary issues, it serves as an essential resource for students, professionals, and anyone interested in the complex legal interactions between states and global entities. By addressing both traditional and emerging topics in international law, this book offers valuable insights into how the global legal system is evolving to meet the challenges of the modern world.

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Writer                                Dr H.O. Agarwal 
               AH PUBLISHERS

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