"Aflatoon Hayat Fikr Aur Falsfa" by Mah Jabeen offers an in-depth exploration of the life, thoughts, and philosophy of Plato, known as Aflatoon in the Urdu-speaking world. The book delves...
In "On Intention, Sincerity, and Truthfulness" by Abu Hamid Al Ghazali, skillfully translated by Asaad F. Shaker, the eminent Islamic philosopher delves into the profound aspects of human intentionality, the...
In "On Patience and Thankfulness," Al-Ghazali masterfully elucidates the intertwined virtues of patience and thankfulness, essential for spiritual growth and contentment. Patience, the steadfast endurance of hardships, and thankfulness, the...
This second edition of Al Ghazali: The Remembrance of Death and the Afterlife by T. J. Winter delves deeply into the Islamic philosopher and theologian Al Ghazali's profound reflections on...
In "Al-Ghazali's Letter to a Disciple," translated by Tobias Mayer, readers delve into the profound insights of one of Islam's most influential theologians and philosophers, Abu Hamid Al-Ghazali. This letter...
Joseph Andrews is a novel written by Henry Fielding, first published in 1742. The story follows the adventures of Joseph Andrews, a young man of good character who, despite his...
The Reward of Goodness and the Day of Hardship is an Islamic book that explores the consequences of good and evil deeds, the hardships of the Day of Judgment, and...
The Nicomachean Ethics is one of the most influential works in Western philosophy, written by the Greek philosopher Aristotle. This text, foundational to ethical theory, explores the concept of happiness...
The Promise of Piety by Arslan Khan is a thought-provoking exploration of classical texts and their relevance to contemporary moral and spiritual discourse. The book delves into the rich traditions...
Tom Jones is a classic 18th-century English novel written by Henry Fielding, first published in 1749. It follows the adventures of the titular character, Tom Jones, an orphan raised by...