"Adbi Theory Aik Taruf" is a translation of Terry Eagleton's work by Yasir Jawad. It offers an introduction to literary theory, exploring its various facets and implications within the realm...
The Al Marjan Digital Pen Quran Model At 108 by Al Marjan is a compact and innovative device that revolutionizes the traditional method of reading and learning the Quran. This...
"Arabic Language and Literature: An Introduction" by Dr. Khaliq Dad Malik and Hafiz Zia Ur Rehman-Azad, published by Book Depot, serves as a foundational text for understanding the rich tapestry...
In "Wisdom Treasure: 100 Proverbial Essays For CSS PMS PCS-AHP," readers embark on a profound journey through concise yet comprehensive essays, each based on a timeless proverb. These essays serve...