"A Torch Against the Night," sequel to "An Ember in the Ashes" by Sabaa Tahir, continues the gripping saga set in a ruthless, martial world. Laia and Elias, on the...
In "A Treacherous Curse" by Deanna Raybourn, readers are transported to Victorian London, where Veronica Speedwell, a bold and unconventional amateur sleuth, finds herself entangled in a web of mystery,...
"Below The Belt" by Stuart Woods is a riveting mystery thriller that delves into the world of crime and corruption. Set against the backdrop of New York City, the novel...
"Carve The Mark" by Veronica Roth is a gripping science fiction novel set in a galaxy where every individual possesses a unique "currentgift," a special power that shapes their destiny....
Set in Victorian London, "Clockwork Angel" follows Tessa Gray, a young American who discovers she possesses a unique ability sought after by a secret society known as the Shadowhunters. Thrust...
"Collided" by Lauren Asher delves into the entangled lives of two individuals whose paths collide unexpectedly, sparking a chain reaction of events that challenge their beliefs, choices, and relationships. As...
"Ignite Me" by Tahereh Mafi immerses readers in a captivating dystopian world where Juliette Ferrars, a young woman with a deadly touch, struggles to harness her power while navigating a...
In "Kill Joy" by Holly Jackson, readers are plunged into a gripping world of mystery and suspense. Set in a small town plagued by secrets, the story follows a young...
"Project Hail Mary" by Andy Weir is a gripping science fiction novel that blends scientific ingenuity with human resilience. The story follows Ryland Grace, an astronaut who wakes up alone...