"Aakhri Sawariyan" by Syed Muhammad Ashraf is a poignant narrative delving into the intricacies of human existence, exploring themes of life, death, and the transient nature of time. Through eloquent...
In this comprehensive paper, Halima Afridi explores advanced concepts and innovative perspectives in the field of international relations. From analyzing power dynamics to understanding global governance structures, Afridi provides insightful...
In "Ajaib Khana" by Irfan Javed-Sang E Meel, readers are taken on a captivating journey through the mystical realms of human experience, where reality intertwines with the enigmatic and the...
"Aks" by Umera Ahmed is a thought-provoking novel that explores complex themes of identity, fate, and morality through the intertwined lives of its characters. The narrative delves into the psychological...
"Alien Artefact" by Phil Simpson is a thrilling science fiction novel that delves into the discovery of an extraterrestrial object with mysterious powers. The story follows a diverse team of...
In "An Absolutely Remarkable Thing" by Hank Green, April May discovers a mysterious sculpture that catapults her into internet fame and a global phenomenon. As she grapples with sudden celebrity,...
"Andheri Raat Ke Musafir" by Naseem Hijazi, published by Jahangir Books, is a gripping historical novel that delves into the tumultuous events of the Mughal era, particularly during the reign...
"Aqwal-E-Wasif Ali Wasif Ka Encyclopedia" by Wasif Ali Wasif is a comprehensive collection of the profound and enlightening sayings of Wasif Ali Wasif, a revered Pakistani writer, poet, and philosopher....
"Awaz By Abdal Bela is a groundbreaking literary work that explores the depths of human emotion and societal dynamics through a collection of poignant poems. With exquisite language and profound...
"Charah Gar Hain Bay Asar" is a collection of Urdu short stories written by Muhammad Iqbal Dewan. These stories delve into the complexities of human emotions, societal issues, and the...
"Collided" by Lauren Asher delves into the entangled lives of two individuals whose paths collide unexpectedly, sparking a chain reaction of events that challenge their beliefs, choices, and relationships. As...
In "Dana Pani" by Umera Ahmed, the narrative delves into the complexities of human relationships and societal norms with a keen eye for psychological depth. Set against the backdrop of...
Darwazay, written by Irfan Javed, delves into the intricacies of human emotions and societal norms through poignant storytelling. The narrative weaves through the complexities of relationships and the impact of...
In "Dasht E Imkaan," Asghar Nadeem Syed paints a vivid portrait of societal struggles, weaving a narrative that delves into the complexities of human relationships against the backdrop of Pakistan's...
"Dukhtar E Mashriq" by Benazir Bhutto offers a compelling exploration of Pakistan's sociopolitical landscape through the eyes of a female leader. Bhutto's narrative intertwines personal experiences with broader themes of...
"Doosra Darwaza" is a renowned work by Bano Qudsia, a celebrated Pakistani writer known for her deep insights into human nature and relationships. This novel delves into the complexities of...
"Dubdaha" by Asim Bakashi is a captivating novel that delves into the intricacies of human emotions, relationships, and societal norms. The story weaves through the lives of its characters, exploring...
"Dusra Aashiq" by Qaiser Abbas Sabir offers a profound exploration of human emotions and societal intricacies within the context of Pakistani culture. Sabir masterfully weaves a narrative that delves into...
Endless Night by Agatha Christie is a captivating novel that delves into the dark and mysterious aspects of human nature, blending elements of romance, psychological drama, and suspense. The story...
"Europe Since Napoleon For CSS PMS PCS" by David Thomson presents a comprehensive analysis of Europe's tumultuous history from the Napoleonic era to the modern day, catering specifically to the...