Shahr-e-Zaat (شہر ذات) by Umera Ahmed is a profound Urdu novel that explores the journey of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and the quest for inner peace. The story revolves around the...
Sharah Kulliyat-e-Iqbal by Hafiz Qari Maulana Ghulam Hassan Qadri is an extensive commentary on the profound poetry of Allama Muhammad Iqbal, one of the most influential philosophers and poets of...
The Formation of Islam: Religion and Society in the Near East, 600-1800 by Jonathan P. Berkey offers an in-depth exploration of the development of Islam within its historical, social, and...
his insightful book explores the timeless philosophy of Jalal ad-Din Rumi, delving into his teachings of love, spirituality, and human connection. Maj. Gen. (R) M. Tahir examines how Rumi’s profound...
"The Speech of the Birds" by Faridu'd-Din Attar, an influential Persian Sufi poet and mystic, is a profound allegorical masterpiece that explores the spiritual journey of the soul towards divine...
"Ul Lughatul Wazifatah by Hafiz Abdul Raheem is a comprehensive Urdu reference book aimed at providing a detailed understanding of Islamic supplications (wazaif). Authored by Hafiz Abdul Raheem, a scholar...