"Aurtoun Ki Tehreek E Azadi," translated into Urdu by Yasir Jawad and Sadia Jawad from June Hannam's original work, is a seminal exploration of the women's liberation movement. This insightful...
"Buri Aurat Ki Doosri Katha" by Kishwar Naheed is a poignant exploration of the female experience, challenging societal norms and patriarchal constructs through poetry. Naheed's verses delve into the complexities...
"Developmental Psychology, 9th Edition" by David R. Shaffer and Katherine Kipp provides an extensive and detailed exploration of human development from infancy through adulthood. This edition combines theoretical perspectives with...
"Experimental Psychology, 9th Edition" by Barry H. Kantowitz, Henry L. Roediger , and David G. Elmes is a thorough and engaging textbook that provides an in-depth exploration of experimental methods...
In "Girls & Sex: Navigating the Complicated New Landscape," Peggy Orenstein delves deeply into the complex intersection of contemporary culture, teenage girls' sexuality, and the evolving societal attitudes towards sex....
The "Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organizational Psychology Vol II" edited by Neil Anderson, Deniz S. Ones, Handan Kepir Sinangil, and Chockalingam Viswesvaran, is a comprehensive reference work that encapsulates...
"Social Psychology" by David G. Myers provides a comprehensive overview of the principles, theories, and applications of social psychology. With engaging writing and contemporary examples, this edition offers readers a...
"Social Psychology" by Shelley E. Taylor presents a comprehensive exploration of the principles, theories, and research findings in social psychology. This authoritative text offers readers a deep understanding of the...
"Social Psychology 14th Edition" by Nyla R. Branscombe and Robert A. Baron is a comprehensive textbook that delves into the scientific study of how individuals think, feel, and behave in...
"Statistics in Psychology and Education, 6th Edition" by Henry E. Garrett provides a thorough and foundational understanding of statistical methods tailored to the fields of psychology and education. This edition...
"The Boy in the Dress" by David Walliams is a heartwarming and humorous children's novel that tells the story of a twelve-year-old boy named Dennis who loves soccer and fashion....
Understanding Psychology, 13th Edition by Robert S. Feldman is a comprehensive and accessible textbook that introduces readers to the fundamental concepts and theories of psychology. This edition incorporates the latest...
In "Women’s Political Participation in Bangladesh" by Pranab Kumar Panday, the author offers a comprehensive analysis of the status, challenges, and prospects of women's engagement in politics within the context...