In "Ali Manzil (VP Singh Ki Haveli Say Ali Manzil Tak Ka Safar)" by Shakir Hussain Shakir, the journey unfolds from the historical Haveli of VP Singh to the illustrious...
"Arabic Language and Literature: An Introduction" by Dr. Khaliq Dad Malik and Hafiz Zia Ur Rehman-Azad, published by Book Depot, serves as a foundational text for understanding the rich tapestry...
Inayat Ullah's "Ayubi Ghaznavi Aur Muhammad Bin Qasim Pakistan Mein" is a comprehensive exploration of the historical narratives surrounding the figures of Ayubi Ghaznavi and Muhammad Bin Qasim within the...
"Bartanvi Raj" by Dr. Mubarak Ali is a seminal work that meticulously examines the colonial rule in the Indian subcontinent, delving into its multifaceted impacts on society, economy, and culture....
In their comprehensive examination titled "Corruption And Anticorruption In Modern China" by Qiang Tang & Xiaobing Li, the authors delve into the intricate landscape of corruption and its countermeasures within...
In "History of the Modern World 1500-2013," B V Rao delves into the intricate tapestry of global history, spanning from the dawn of the Renaissance to the complexities of the...