In "Aurora Burning," the second installment of The Aurora Cycle series penned by acclaimed authors Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, readers are thrust into an electrifying interstellar adventure brimming with...
"Cassandra Clare's 'Clockwork Prince,' the second installment in 'The Infernal Devices' series, delves deeper into the intricacies of love, loyalty, and betrayal amidst the backdrop of a fantastical Victorian London....
"Crooked Kingdom" by Leigh Bardugo is the gripping sequel to "Six of Crows," continuing the saga of a group of misfit criminals in the bustling, dangerous city of Ketterdam. After...
In "One Of Us Is Next," Karen M. McManus returns with a gripping sequel to her bestselling novel, "One Of Us Is Lying." The story picks up in Bayview High,...
In "Ready Player Two" by Ernest Cline, the story continues in a future where virtual reality has become more immersive than ever. Following the events of "Ready Player One," protagonist...
"Tell It to the Moon" by Siobhan Curham is a poignant and uplifting young adult novel that continues the story of Amber, the protagonist from "The Moonlight Dreamers." In this...
"The Accidental Further Adventures of the Hundred-Year-Old Man: A Novel" by Jonas Jonasson takes readers on a rollicking journey through history, politics, and absurdity. Following the misadventures of Allan Karlsson,...
The Fates Divide by Veronica Roth is the second book in the "Carve the Mark" duology, continuing the gripping tale set in a richly imagined world where fate and free...
In "The Heart Of What Was Lost" by Tad Williams, the saga of Osten Ard continues with a compelling narrative that delves into themes of war, redemption, and the enduring...