In the realm of academia, the study of gender has emerged as a crucial discipline, delving into the complexities of identity, power dynamics, and societal structures. Mahboob Alam Nutkani-Al Faisal's...
Dive into the intricate fabric of societal dynamics with "Gender Studies for CSS PMS PCS" authored by the esteemed Dr. MA Raza Khawaja and published by ILMI. This comprehensive resource...
In "Gender Studies for CSS PMS PCS," Sujata Sen delves into the complex and multifaceted realm of gender, offering a comprehensive exploration tailored specifically for aspirants preparing for the Competitive...
In "Gender: The Basics," author Hilary M. Lips delves into the multifaceted concept of gender, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of its complexities. Through meticulous research and insightful analysis,...
"Social Work In Urdu Part One" by Prof. Gul Rukh Saeed offers a foundational exploration of social work principles and practices within the context of Urdu language and culture. This...
In "Social Work In Urdu Part Two" by Prof Gul Rukh Saeed, readers are introduced to a comprehensive exploration of social work principles and practices in the Urdu language. The...
In "Social Work Theory & Practice UM for CSS PMS PCS," Dr. Muhammad Khalid, through the platform of Kefyat Academy, presents a comprehensive exploration of social work principles and their...
"Social Work: The Basics" by Mark Doel serves as a foundational text for individuals interested in understanding the core principles and practices of social work. In this insightful book, Doel...