"Assassin's Creed: Underworld" by Oliver Bowden delves deep into the intricate web of the Assassin Brotherhood's covert operations in Victorian London, where the clash between Assassins and Templars reaches its...
"Axel & Beast" by Adrian C. Bott is a captivating collection of books that follows the adventures of Axel, a courageous hero, and Beast, his loyal companion. Set in a...
Camp Jupiter, a hidden sanctuary for demigods, stands as a bastion of safety and training for those with divine parentage. Under the pen of Rick Riordan, this clandestine Roman camp...
"Kingdom of the Feared" transports readers into a realm where fear reigns supreme and power is the ultimate currency. Kerri Maniscalco, renowned for her gripping narratives, weaves a tale of...
"Percy Jackson: Complete Series" by Rick Riordan is a captivating collection of fantasy novels that follows the adventures of Percy Jackson, a demigod son of Poseidon, as he navigates the...