"Syndromes of Corruption: Wealth, Power, and Democracy" by Michael Johnston is a critical examination of corruption and its complex relationship with political and economic systems. In this insightful work, Johnston...
"The Mister" by E L James is a captivating contemporary romance novel that delves into the intricacies of class divide, cultural differences, and the unexpected journey of love. Set against...
Christophe Jaffrelot's "The Pakistan Paradox: Instability and Resilience" provides a nuanced and comprehensive analysis of Pakistan's complex political landscape. Jaffrelot explores the dual themes of instability and resilience that have...
The Politics Book from DK is part of their acclaimed Big Ideas Simply Explained series. This book breaks down the complex world of political thought and theories into simple, accessible...
"The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo" by Taylor Jenkins Reid is a captivating novel that delves into the glamorous yet tumultuous life of the enigmatic Hollywood icon, Evelyn Hugo. Set...
"The Sweetest Oblivion" by Danielle Lori beckons readers into a world where romance intertwines with danger, where love and lust collide amidst the shadows of the Italian mafia. Set against...
"The Winters: A Novel" by Lisa Gabriele delves into a chilling narrative set against the backdrop of a secluded island estate. Inspired by Daphne du Maurier's timeless classic "Rebecca," Gabriele...
"This Was A Man" is a riveting novel penned by renowned author Jeffrey Archer, weaving a tale of ambition, love, and betrayal across generations. Set against the backdrop of the...
"Wildcard: It's Time For A Rematch" by Marie Lu plunges readers back into the electrifying world of Emika Chen, a determined hacker navigating the high-stakes realm of virtual reality gaming...