"By the River Piedra I Sat Down and Wept" by Paulo Coelho is a poignant tale of love, forgiveness, and spiritual awakening. Set against the backdrop of the picturesque River...
Cervantes By Don Quixote explores the timeless themes of chivalry, idealism, and madness through the adventures of the titular character, Don Quixote, and his loyal squire, Sancho Panza. Written by...
"Hippie" by Paulo Coelho takes readers on a transformative journey through the vibrant and revolutionary era of the 1960s. Set against the backdrop of the counterculture movement, the novel follows...
Albert Camus's The Stranger (L'Étranger) is a cornerstone of existential literature, presenting the life of Meursault, a detached and emotionally indifferent protagonist. Set in colonial Algeria, the novel examines themes...
"Veronika Decides to Die" by Paulo Coelho explores themes of self-discovery, mental health, and societal norms through the story of Veronika, a young woman who decides to end her life...