In "Wonder" by RJ Palacio, the narrative centers around August Pullman, a young boy with facial differences, as he navigates the challenges of fitting in at a new school and...
"Wong's Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, 10th Edition" by Marilyn J. Hockenberry, Cheryl C. Rodgers, and David Wilson serves as a comprehensive guide to pediatric nursing, offering essential knowledge and practical...
"Word Perfect" by M. Masood M. Ammar and Rabia invites readers into a world where every word finds its rightful place, every sentence flows seamlessly, and every paragraph captivates with...
"Word Power Made Easy" by Norman Lewis is a timeless classic in the realm of vocabulary building and language enhancement. With its engaging approach and practical strategies, this book has...
"Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology" by Frank J. Landy and Jeffrey M. Conte offers a comprehensive overview of the field of industrial and...
Work Psychology: The Basics 1st Edition by Laura Dean and Fran Cousans provides a foundational understanding of how psychological principles are applied in the workplace. The book covers essential topics...
Work Smarter Not Harder - ورک اسمارٹر نات ہارڈر by Timo Kiander offers practical strategies for maximizing productivity and efficiency in both personal and professional settings. The book emphasizes the...
"Working Backwards: Insights, Stories, and Secrets from Inside Amazon" by Colin Bryar offers an insider’s perspective on the innovative strategies and principles that have propelled Amazon to become one of...
"World Constitutions for CSS PMS" by M. Sohail Bhatti -Bhatti is likely a study guide aimed at candidates preparing for the Central Superior Services (CSS) and Provincial Management Service (PMS)...
World Constitution: A Comparative Study (12th Edition) by Vishnoo Bhagwan, Vidya Bhushan, and Vandana Mohla provides a comprehensive exploration of various constitutions around the globe, analyzing their structures, functions, and...
"WORLD LITERATURE IN YOUR FIST - An Assortment of English Literature by Prem Shankar Pandey" presents an all-encompassing journey through the vast realms of English literature. Authored by Prem Shankar...
World Politics: Trend and Transformation 17th Edition by Shannon L. Blanton and Charles W. Kegley is a comprehensive exploration of the constantly evolving landscape of global politics. This book delves...
World Politics: Trend and Transformation 18th Edition by Shannon L. Blanton and Charles W. Kegley is a comprehensive exploration of the constantly evolving landscape of global politics. This book delves...
Dr. Muhammad Shoaib presents "Worldview English Guide (Objective)"—a comprehensive resource tailored for aspirants preparing for the Competitive Examination (CSS), Provincial Civil Services (PCS), and lecturer exams. This meticulously crafted guide...
Wound Care Essentials: Practice Principles by Sharon Baranoski and Elizabeth A. Ayello is a definitive guide that addresses the complexities of wound care management, offering essential insights and practical strategies...
"Yaar Yaaron Se Ho Na Juda - یار یاروں سے ہو نہ جدا by Mahira Zainab Khan explores the timeless bonds of friendship woven through the intricacies of human emotions....
"Yaqeen Ka Safar" by Farhat Ishtiaq is a compelling novel that delves into the complexities of faith, love, and self-discovery. Written by renowned Pakistani author Farhat Ishtiaq, the novel intricately...
"Yaram - یارم" by Sumaira Hameed is a compelling Urdu novel that delves into themes of love, relationships, and personal growth. The story is woven with emotional depth and explores...
"You Can Be The Happiest Woman in the World" by Dr. A'id al-Qarni, translated by Huda Khattab, is a deeply inspiring book that provides Muslim women with practical advice and...
"You've Reached Sam" by Dustin Thao is a poignant and emotionally charged novel that explores themes of grief, love, and the enduring connections we have with those we lose. The...