A Passage to India by E.M. Forster is a seminal novel published in 1924 that explores the complex social and political dynamics between the British colonizers and the Indian populace...
In "A Perfect Cornish Summer" by Phillipa Ashley, readers are whisked away to the charming coastal town of St. Felix in Cornwall, England. Ashley paints a vivid picture of the...
In "A Perilous Undertaking," the second book in the Veronica Speedwell Mystery series by Deanna Raybourn, readers follow the daring and unconventional Veronica Speedwell as she navigates a complex world...
In "A Political History of Muslim Spain," S.M. Imamuddin delves into the intricate tapestry of political dynamics that shaped the vibrant and diverse landscape of Muslim Spain. From the early...
"A Promised Land" by Barack Obama is an insightful memoir by the 44th President of the United States, chronicling his journey from a young community organizer in Chicago to the...
A Quick Approach To Statistics With Questions And AnswersTABLE OF CONTENTS Introductory StatisticsBasic Probability TheoryRandom VariablesDiscrete Probability DistributionsContinuous Probability DistributionsRegression & CorrelationSamplingStatistical InferenceDesign and Analysis of ExperimentAnalysis of Time Series ...
A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Literary Theory 6th Edition, A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary Literary Theoryis a classic introduction to the complex yet crucial area of literary theory. This book...
Virginia Woolf's A Room of One's Own is a seminal feminist essay that examines the intersection of women, literature, and social constraints. First delivered as a series of lectures and...
Title: A Scientific Assessment of the Validity of Mystical Experiences (Research in Psychology) 1st Edition by Andrew Papanicolaou (Author) In "A Scientific Assessment of the Validity of Mystical Experiences," Andrew...
"A Season for Martyrs" by Bina Shah is a gripping novel set in contemporary Pakistan, exploring the complex dynamics of politics, culture, and tradition. The story centers around Ali Sikandar,...
A Selection of Modern English Short Stories by Derek Hudson A nice book, masterpieces. At first reading, you may be bpred, but having finished the book, you will find interest....
A Short History of English Literature This book is a comprehensive survey in chronological fashion of the major periods, authors and movements from Chaucer to the present. Written for undergraduate...
"A Short History of Europe: From Pericles to Putin" by Simon Jenkins is a sweeping narrative that encapsulates the vast and intricate history of Europe from ancient times to the...
Explore the rich tapestry of Islamic history in "A Short History Of Islam" by Mazhar-ul-Haq, published by Bookland. This concise yet comprehensive book takes readers on a journey through the...
A Short History of Pakistan by I.H. Qureshi is a concise yet comprehensive account of Pakistan’s history, exploring the socio-political and cultural evolution of the region from ancient times to...
"A Short History of the United States" by Robert V. Remini offers a concise and engaging overview of the American nation's history, from its colonial beginnings to the contemporary era....
"A Short History of the World" by Christopher Lascelles is a concise yet comprehensive overview of human history from the earliest times to the present day. The book aims to...
"A Short History of the World" by H. G. Wells offers a sweeping narrative that explores the entirety of human history from ancient times to the modern era. Written by...
"A Simple English Grammar" by P.C. Wren is a comprehensive guide designed to demystify the complexities of English grammar. With clear explanations and practical examples, this book serves as an...
"A Simple Study of Sociology" by Sachdeva Gupta offers a concise yet comprehensive exploration of sociology, catering to both novice learners and seasoned enthusiasts. Through clear and accessible language, Gupta...