"Yaram - یارم" by Sumaira Hameed is a compelling Urdu novel that delves into themes of love, relationships, and personal growth. The story is woven with emotional depth and explores...
"You've Reached Sam" by Dustin Thao is a poignant and emotionally charged novel that explores themes of grief, love, and the enduring connections we have with those we lose. The...
Zaviya 2 - زاویہ ٢ by Ashfaq Ahmad is a profound collection of reflections, essays, and thoughts that delve into the intricacies of life, human relationships, and the quest for...
"Zero to One - زیرو ٹو ون: Notes on Start Ups, or How to Build the Future" by Peter Thiel and Blake Masters is a seminal work that offers groundbreaking...
Zinda Rood - زندہ رود by Dr. Javed Iqbal is a profound literary work that delves into the essence of life, identity, and the human experience. Written in Urdu, the...
"Zindagi Kay 20 Azeem Sabaq" (زندگی کے 20 عظیم سبق) by Hal Urban is an insightful book that delves into the essential lessons of life, offering readers valuable guidance on...
1. Zone of Education: Comprehensive Guide for PPSC, FPSC, AJKPSC, SPSC, KPSC Exams (5th Edition, 2023-24) By Naeem Ullah Farooqi Description:This comprehensive guide is tailored for aspirants preparing for competitive...
"Zoology Lecturer Guide MCQs" by Hassan Rohail Butt and Muhammad Aslam Khan is an invaluable resource designed to aid subject specialists, lecturers, assistant professors, and associate professors in preparing for...