"Labor Economics, 8th Edition" authored by George J. Borjas delves into the intricate mechanisms shaping the world of labor, offering a comprehensive exploration of the theories, policies, and real-world applications...
"Labor Economics for BS" by A. Hamid Shahid, published by ILMI, is a detailed textbook specifically designed for undergraduate students in a four-year Bachelor of Science (BS) program in Economics....
Explore the timeless tale of love, desire, and societal conventions with "Lady Chatterley's Lover" by D.H. Lawrence, a captivating classic that continues to resonate with readers across generations. Set against...
Lahu Jo Hum Baha Kay Aye by Inayatullah is a poignant exploration of the sacrifices and struggles faced by individuals and communities in their pursuit of justice and freedom. The...
"Lamha E Mojood Ki Taqat" is the Urdu rendition of Eckhart Tolle's renowned work "The Power of Now," translated by Muhammad Kashif Munawar. This book delves into the transformative concept...
In "Landmarks of English Literature," Mohsin Raza-AHP provides a comprehensive overview of key literary works and movements that have shaped the English literary landscape. From the medieval period to contemporary...
"Land of Plants in Motion" by Thomas R. H. Havens explores the dynamic relationship between plants and their environment throughout history. The book delves into how plants have shaped and...
In "Land Revenue Laws with Bare Acts & MCQs" by Rai Muhammad Iqbal Kharal, readers are offered a comprehensive guide to understanding land revenue laws, complete with bare acts and...
Lange Q&A Obstetrics & Gynecology, 9th Edition by Vern Katz, Vicki Mendiratta, Sharon Phelan, and Roger Smith is a comprehensive review guide designed for students and professionals in the field....
Langman's Medical Embryology (Longmans Medical Embryolgy) Fifteenth 15th EditionConcise, clearly written, and vibrantly illustrated, Langman’s Medical Embryology, 15th Edition, makes complex embryology concepts approachable to help you build the clinical understanding...
Language & Linguistics by Khurram Shahzad Linguistics is the scientific study of language. Linguistics is based on a theoretical as well as a descriptive study of language and is also...
CSS Essentials Language & Linguistics MCQs by Maryum Ilyas Siyal - ILMI is an essential resource for students preparing for competitive exams like BS, MA, CSS, PMS, FPSC, PPSC, and...
Language and Gender 2nd Edition Language and Gender is an introduction to the study of the relation between gender and language use, written by two leading experts in the field....
The second edition of "Laplace Fourier and Z -Transforms With Applications" is tailored for students pursuing BS 4-Years, M.Sc. Mathematics, M.Sc. Physics, B.Sc. Engineering, BSc/ADS/ADP in Mathematics, and other undergraduate...
"Laser" by Syed Hamad Bukari provides a comprehensive exploration of the principles, technologies, and applications of lasers tailored for undergraduate and postgraduate students. This textbook offers clear explanations, practical examples,...
"Laser Fundamentals 2nd Edition" by William T. Silfvast delves into the intricate world of laser technology, offering an expansive exploration of the fundamental principles that underpin the operation and application...
"Laser Physics 1st Edition" by Peter W. Milonni and Joseph H. Eberly is a comprehensive textbook that delves into the fundamental principles and applications of laser technology. This book provides...
Laser Physics and Spectroscopy 1st EditionIn this book emphasis is laid on laser including its operation, different types, properties like coherence and monochromaticity, beam propagation, theoretical treatment of atom‐field interaction,...
LAT (N Series) Law Admission Test For LLB - 5 Years by M A Chaudhary - Nadeem Book Fort, Revised Edition provides a comprehensive guide designed to aid students aspiring...