The Emergence of Bangladesh by Wayne Wilcox is a comprehensive analysis of the political, social, and historical factors that led to the birth of Bangladesh as an independent nation. The...
"The Invention of China" by Bill Hayton is a thought-provoking exploration into the historical and geopolitical constructs that have shaped the modern concept of China. Hayton delves deep into the...
The Making of Pakistan: A Study in Nationalism by K. K. Aziz is a critical examination of the historical and political processes that led to the creation of Pakistan in...
"The National Question: Decolonizing the Theory of Nationalism" by James M. Blaut presents a critical examination of nationalism through a decolonial lens. Blaut challenges conventional theories of nationalism that often...
"The Untold History of Pakistan" by Ijaz A. Mir offers a comprehensive exploration of Pakistan's rich and complex historical narrative, shedding light on lesser-known aspects and events that have shaped...
"Why Nations Fail" قومیں ناکام کیوں ہوتی ہیں explores the factors behind the success or failure of nations, emphasizing the role of political and economic institutions. The authors argue that...
Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson is a profound examination of the economic and political factors that determine the...