"A Suitable Boy: A Novel (Modern Classics)" by Vikram Seth is a sweeping, epic narrative set in post-independence India, exploring the lives of four extended families over 18 months. At...
In "Broken Verses" by Kamila Shamsie, readers are invited into the intricate tapestry of Pakistani society, where past traumas intersect with present struggles. Set against the backdrop of Karachi, the...
"Of Women and Salt: A Novel" by Gabriela Garcia delves into the intricate tapestry of female identity, migration, and lineage, weaving together the stories of five generations of women across...
"Pachinko" by Min Jin Lee is an epic historical novel that spans four generations of a Korean family living in Japan. The story begins in the early 20th century and...
"The House of the Spirits" by Isabel Allende is a captivating novel that weaves together magical realism and political upheaval in a South American country. Spanning generations, the story follows...