"Architecture Patterns with Python," co-authored by Harry Percival and Bob Gregory, is a groundbreaking exploration of architectural design principles in Python software development. In this inaugural edition, Percival and Gregory...
"Building Micro-Frontends: Scaling Teams and Projects, Empowering Developers" by Luca Mezzalira is a groundbreaking exploration into the world of micro-frontends, offering invaluable insights for teams and developers navigating the complexities...
In "Building Microservices: Designing Fine Grained Systems," Sam Newman delves into the intricacies of architecting and implementing microservices, a paradigm that has revolutionized how modern applications are built and scaled....
In "Fundamentals Of Software Architecture: An Engineering Approach," Mark Richards and Neal Ford delve deep into the essential principles and practices that define effective software architecture. With decades of combined...
"Kubernetes for Developers" by William Denniss offers a comprehensive guide tailored specifically for developers diving into the intricate world of Kubernetes. Denniss, an authoritative voice in the field, meticulously navigates...
"Learning Modern Linux: A Handbook for the Cloud Native Practitioner" by Michael Hausenblas equips readers with essential knowledge of Linux tailored for cloud-native environments. Hausenblas covers foundational Linux concepts and...
In "Monolith to Microservices: Evolutionary Patterns to Transform Your Monolith" by Sam Newman, readers are guided through a comprehensive journey of modernizing software architecture from monolithic systems to microservices. Newman,...
This comprehensive book delves into the foundational concepts of web application architecture, presenting readers with a clear understanding of how modern web applications are structured, designed, and deployed. The second...