"Introduction to Lebesgue Integration" offers a comprehensive exploration into one of the fundamental concepts of modern mathematics. This illuminating text serves as an indispensable resource for students pursuing various academic...
"Introduction to Statistical Theory Part-1" by Prof. Sher Muhammad Chaudhry, published by ILMI, is a foundational textbook catering to undergraduate students in disciplines such as statistics, mathematics, and related fields....
"Introduction To Statistical Theory Part-I(Solved Problems)" authored by Prof. Sher M. Chaudhary and published by ILMI Kitab Khana. This comprehensive text is tailored for undergraduate students pursuing degrees in BA,...
"Introduction To Topology 3rd Edition" by Z.R. Bhatti, published by ILMI. Tailored for BS 4-Year and M.Sc. Mathematics programs, this textbook offers a thorough exploration of fundamental concepts in Topology,...
The second edition of "Laplace Fourier and Z -Transforms With Applications" is tailored for students pursuing BS 4-Years, M.Sc. Mathematics, M.Sc. Physics, B.Sc. Engineering, BSc/ADS/ADP in Mathematics, and other undergraduate...
Lignin and Lignan Biosynthesis This book provides new information on the control of monolignal coupling and on modifying the biochemical steps in their formation and configuration. The text provides a critical...
The 4th Edition of Mathematical Methods is designed for a wide range of students, including those studying in undergraduate and graduate mathematics programs such as BS, BSc, MSc, and engineering...
Dive into the intricate world of mathematical methods essential for mastering physics and engineering with this comprehensive guide by Muhammad Bani Amin. Designed for students pursuing BS, MSC in Physics,...
"Mathematical Statistics for BS" by Z.R. Bhatti, published by ILMI, is a crucial textbook designed for undergraduate students pursuing a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Mathematics, including those enrolled in...
"Mathematics and Its History" offers an insightful journey through the intricate tapestry of mathematical concepts intertwined with their historical context. Authored by John Stillwell, this esteemed text, now in its...
"Multivariate Calculus" by Z.R. Bhatti is a comprehensive textbook specifically designed for students pursuing Bachelor of Science (BS) degrees in Mathematics, Information Technology, Physics, Statistics, Computer Science, and Software Engineering...
ILMI Organic Spectroscopy and Chromatography Organic Spectroscopy presents the derivation of structural information from UV, IR, Raman, NMR, NMR, Mass and ESR spectral data in such a way that stimulates interest of students and researchers...
Schaum's 3,000 Solved Problems in Calculus (Schaum's Outlines) 1st Edition Facing Tough Test Questions? Missed Lectures? Not Enough Time? Fortunately for you, there's Schaum's. More than 40 million students have...