In "Confess," Colleen Hoover delves into the intricacies of love, art, and the power of confession. Set against the backdrop of a mysterious art gallery, the story follows the intertwining...
"Echoes in Death" by J.D. Robb is a captivating murder mystery that follows Lieutenant Eve Dallas as she investigates a brutal attack on a young couple. Set in a futuristic...
"Pinocchio," originally written by Carlo Collodi, is a timeless children’s tale that follows the adventures of a wooden puppet who dreams of becoming a real boy. The story begins when...
"Sex, Lies, and Handwriting" by Michelle Dresbold is a fascinating exploration of graphology, the study of handwriting, and how it can reveal hidden truths about individuals' personalities, motives, and behaviors....
"The Kindest Lie" by Nancy Johnson delves into the intricacies of race, identity, and the enduring impact of secrets in a poignant narrative that intertwines the lives of two women...
"The Most Dangerous Place on Earth" by Lindsey Lee Johnson immerses readers into the affluent and seemingly idyllic community of Mill Valley, California, where the lives of privileged high school...
"The Winters: A Novel" by Lisa Gabriele delves into a chilling narrative set against the backdrop of a secluded island estate. Inspired by Daphne du Maurier's timeless classic "Rebecca," Gabriele...
Truth: A Brief History of Total Bullsh*t by Tom Phillips (Author) delves into the intriguing exploration of falsehoods throughout human history. Phillips navigates through the labyrinthine paths of deception, offering...
"Verity" by Colleen Hoover delves into the gripping world of psychological thriller, weaving a narrative that blurs the lines between truth and fiction. As Lowen Ashleigh, a struggling writer, accepts...