"Bal E Jibreel" is a philosophical and spiritual Urdu poetry collection by the renowned poet-philosopher Dr. Allama Mohammad Iqbal. It reflects his profound insights into various facets of human existence,...
"Books Do Furnish A Life: Reading And Writing Science" by Richard Dawkins is a captivating exploration into the symbiotic relationship between literature and science, offering readers a compelling journey through...
In "Brief Answers to Big Questions," Stephen Hawking, renowned physicist, cosmologist, and author, provides concise yet profound insights into some of the most fundamental inquiries of existence. Covering topics ranging...
Howards End is a novel written by E.M. Forster, first published in 1910. The novel is considered one of Forster's finest works and a significant piece in English literature. It...
Middlemarch is one of George Eliot’s most celebrated novels, first published in 1871-1872. Set in the fictional English town of Middlemarch, it explores the lives of its residents, offering a...
"The Secret History" by Donna Tartt is a captivating literary thriller that delves deep into the lives of a group of elite students at a small Vermont college. Centered around...