In "Aatish E Chinar," Shaikh Muhammad Abdullah narrates a captivating autobiography, chronicling his remarkable journey through tumultuous times. Born in Kashmir, Abdullah's life story unfolds against the backdrop of political...
"Black Like Me" is a compelling and transformative memoir by John Howard Griffin, documenting his journey through the racially segregated American South in the late 1950s. Griffin, a white journalist,...
"Circling The Sun" by Paula McLain invites readers on a captivating journey through the life of Beryl Markham, a remarkable woman who defied societal norms and soared to unprecedented heights...
"The Tattooist of Auschwitz" is a poignant and gripping novel penned by Heather Morris, weaving a narrative that delves deep into the harrowing realities of life in the Auschwitz concentration...
"Will," co-authored by Will Smith and Mark Manson, presents a candid and inspiring exploration of the life and philosophy of one of Hollywood's most iconic figures. In this intimate memoir,...