In "Computer Science One Liners," Fatima Ali Raza delivers a concise yet comprehensive exploration of fundamental concepts and practical applications in the realm of computer science. Through a series of...
"DK World War II: The Definitive Visual History" by Richard Holmes, with contributions from Ann Kramer, is a comprehensive and visually captivating account of World War II. This definitive guide...
In "General Knowledge One Liners: 9000+ Questions," author Fatima Ali Raza presents a comprehensive collection of bite-sized information covering a vast array of topics. With over 9000 questions packed into...
"How Space Works: The Facts Visually Explained" by DK provides an accessible and engaging exploration of the wonders of the cosmos. This book delves into various aspects of space, from...
"The Psychology Book: Big Ideas Simply Explained" by DK is an engaging and accessible guide that breaks down complex psychological concepts and theories into easily understandable segments. This book provides...
"DK Zoology: Inside The Secret World Of Animals," created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, is a captivating and visually stunning exploration of the animal kingdom. This comprehensive guide delves...