"Axel & Beast" by Adrian C. Bott is a captivating collection of books that follows the adventures of Axel, a courageous hero, and Beast, his loyal companion. Set in a...
Bad Dad" by David Walliams is a uproarious journey into the world of Frank and Gilbert, a father-son duo whose escapades are as laugh-out-loud funny as they are heartwarming. Walliams'...
"Carve The Mark" by Veronica Roth is a gripping science fiction novel set in a galaxy where every individual possesses a unique "currentgift," a special power that shapes their destiny....
In "The Starless Sea," Erin Morgenstern weaves a mesmerizing tale that blurs the lines between reality and fantasy, guiding readers on an enchanting journey through a labyrinth of imagination. At...
"The Wise Man's Fear" by Patrick Rothfuss is the second installment in the epic fantasy series, "The Kingkiller Chronicle." This novel continues the riveting tale of Kvothe, a gifted young...