"Adbi Theory Aik Taruf" is a translation of Terry Eagleton's work by Yasir Jawad. It offers an introduction to literary theory, exploring its various facets and implications within the realm...
"Literary Theory: A Guide for the Perplexed" by Mary Klages is an accessible and comprehensive introduction to the world of literary theory, designed to help students and readers understand complex...
The Concise Encyclopedia of Western Philosophy, edited by Jonathan Rée and J.O. Urmson, is an essential reference that distills the rich history of Western philosophical thought into an accessible and...
The History and Philosophy of Social Science 1st Edition by H. Scott Gordon offers a comprehensive examination of the development and theoretical foundations of social science. Gordon navigates through the...
Theory into Practice: An Introduction to Literary Criticism 3rd Edition by Ann B. Dobie provides a comprehensive exploration of literary criticism, offering readers a thorough introduction to the various theoretical...