"Buri Aurat Ki Katha" by Kishwar Naheed is a poignant narrative that delves into the complexities of womanhood, societal expectations, and the struggle for autonomy. Through the protagonist's journey, Naheed...
In "Gender Planning and Development," Caroline O N Moser navigates the intricate landscape of gender dynamics within the framework of public administration, specifically tailored for the Civil Services Examination (CSS),...
Dive into the intricate fabric of societal dynamics with "Gender Studies for CSS PMS PCS" authored by the esteemed Dr. MA Raza Khawaja and published by ILMI. This comprehensive resource...
Delve into the intricate world of gender studies with the comprehensive yet concise "Gender Studies One Liner Capsule for CSS PMS" by Rai Mansab Ali, published by ILMI. This meticulously...
In "Gender: The Basics," author Hilary M. Lips delves into the multifaceted concept of gender, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of its complexities. Through meticulous research and insightful analysis,...
In "Pakistan: A New History for CSS, PMS, PCS" by Ian Talbot of Oxford, readers are treated to a concise yet comprehensive exploration of Pakistan's historical narrative, from its inception...