"Pakistan: The Economy of an Elitist State" by Ishrat Hussain explores the socio-economic structure of Pakistan, focusing on the role of the elite in shaping the country’s economic policies and...
"Pakistan's Enduring Challenges," authored by Christine Fair and Sarah J. Watson, explores the multifaceted issues that continue to affect Pakistan's stability and development. The book delves into historical, political, and...
"Pakistan: A Personal History" by Imran Khan is an autobiographical account that offers a unique perspective on the history, politics, and culture of Pakistan through the lens of one of...
"The Picture Of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde is a profound exploration of aestheticism, moral duplicity, and the consequences of living a life devoted to the pursuit of beauty and...
Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty by Daron Acemoglu and James A. Robinson is a profound examination of the economic and political factors that determine the...
Why Politics Fails by Ben Ansell provides a rigorous examination of the factors that contribute to political failure across different contexts. Ansell argues that the effectiveness of political systems hinges...