In "Alexander The Great" by Rob Shone & Anita Ganeri, readers are taken on an engaging journey through the life and conquests of one of history's most legendary figures. This...
"Aur Talwar Toot Gai" by Naseem Hijazi is a captivating historical novel set in the backdrop of the Muslim conquest of Spain. This epic tale intricately weaves together the threads...
Now I Rise by Kiersten White continues the gripping tale of Lada Dracul, a ruthless princess who navigates the treacherous politics of 15th-century Eastern Europe. As Lada consolidates her power...
"The Last Queen" by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni is a poignant historical novel that traces the life of Rani Jindan Kaur, the last queen of Punjab, through the tumultuous era of...