A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen is a groundbreaking play that explores themes of gender roles, individual freedom, and societal expectations. Set in a middle-class household, the story follows Nora...
Robert Bolt's A Man for All Seasons is a gripping historical drama that portrays the moral conflict between Sir Thomas More and King Henry VIII over the king's decision to...
"A Short History of English for BS" by B.R. Mullick is a detailed guide designed for BS students and candidates preparing for competitive exams such as CSS, PMS, and entry...
The KM Advanced Dictionary of Literary Terms by Kitab Mahal is an essential resource for students, scholars, and anyone interested in the field of literature. This dictionary offers a comprehensive...
An Essay on Man by Alexander Pope, published by Kitab Mahal, is an accessible edition of Pope's celebrated philosophical poem. This work, composed in heroic couplets, reflects on human nature,...
Arms and the Man is a satirical comedy by George Bernard Shaw that challenges romanticized notions of war and love. Set during the Serbo-Bulgarian War, it tells the story of...
The Classical Poetry KM Excellent Guide offers comprehensive notes and insights into classical poetry, specifically curated for BS English students. This guide covers the essential themes, poets, forms, and historical...
The Classical Poetry BS English Excellent Notes by Kitab Mahal is an in-depth study resource designed for students pursuing BS English or similar programs. It provides comprehensive insights into classical...
The Drama KM Excellent Guide with Solved Past Papers by Kitab Mahal is a meticulously crafted resource for BS English students. It combines comprehensive analyses of key plays with solutions...
The Drama-II KM Excellent Guide by Kitab Mahal is tailored to meet the academic requirements of BS English students studying advanced drama. This comprehensive guide covers an array of plays,...
English Literature and Language for Lecturer, Assistant Professor, CSS PCS PMS PPSC FPSC , and Other Exams by Imran Anwar - Kitab Mahal English Literature and Language for Lecturer, Assistant Professor, CSS,...
Famous English 3: Advanced Communication Skills" is designed for third-semester BS English students at Punjab University, following the curriculum for advanced language and communication proficiency. Authored by Mian Saif Ul...
For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway is one of the most celebrated novels in American literature. This edition, published by Kitab Mahal, includes the complete text of the...
"Functional English" by Masroor Sibtain is a comprehensive textbook tailored to meet the academic needs of students enrolled in ADA (Associate Degree of Arts), ADS (Associate Degree of Science), ADP...
Hedda Gabler is a masterpiece of psychological drama by Henrik Ibsen, exploring themes of power, freedom, and societal expectations. The play revolves around Hedda, a complex, manipulative, and deeply discontented...
This book is an essential guide for BS English students, offering a detailed exploration of core linguistic concepts. It is designed to provide clarity on topics such as phonetics, morphology,...
Honey: Excellent Romantic & Victorium Poetry For BS English by M. Sajid Iqbal is a thoughtfully curated collection designed specifically for students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in English. This...
In "Honey: Introduction to Literature," meticulously curated by Prof M. Sajid Iqbal, students are invited to embark on an enriching journey into the world of literature, tailored specifically for Bachelor...
Honey: Postcolonial Literature for BS English by Muhammad Sajid Iqbal is a comprehensive guide tailored for undergraduate students of English literature. The book explores critical themes, theories, and texts of...
Honey: Excellent Sociolinguistics For BS English by M. Sajid Iqbal is a comprehensive academic resource tailored for students pursuing a Bachelor of Science in English, focusing on the field of...