"Zoology, 8th Edition by Stephen A. Miller and John P. Harley, is a comprehensive exploration of the animal kingdom, delving into the diversity, physiology, behavior, and ecological roles of organisms...
"DK Zoology: Inside The Secret World Of Animals," created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, is a captivating and visually stunning exploration of the animal kingdom. This comprehensive guide delves...
"Zoology Lecturer Guide MCQs" by Hassan Rohail Butt and Muhammad Aslam Khan is an invaluable resource designed to aid subject specialists, lecturers, assistant professors, and associate professors in preparing for...
"Zoology MCQs For Lecturer CSS PCS" by Maqbool Ahmad, published by Caravan, is a comprehensive guide meticulously crafted for candidates aspiring for positions as lecturers, subject specialists, and professors in...
This comprehensive textbook, authored by Dr. Abdul Qayyum Khan Sulehria, Dr. M. Ashraf Mirza, Muhammad Maqsood, and Rabia Sundus, presents an easy-to-understand approach to the principles of zoology, catering to...
"The Making of A Frontier: ایک سرحد کی تشکیل" by Col. Retd. Ghulam Jilani Khan is a detailed narrative that explores the political, military, and cultural intricacies of establishing frontiers...